Business People

Roasting Coffee Beans Locally – Part 3

After Mira went through the how the roasting process starts and some interesting information about where the beans come from, we now get to see the final stages of the process. This is the stage where she needs to carefully watch and listen to the beans so that they are roasted just right. As she continuously checks the beans you can see their progression through the stages because of how dark they become and in some cases how much oil is on them.

Mira also explains to us about how the beans are cooled when roasting and how Yellowknife’s famous power outages can be a hazard to the roasting process. At a certain temperature, Coffee Beans, will actually heat themselves. Meaning if the cooling fan is shut off, the beans will keep getting hotter and hotter. When this happens they can get to a point where the beans will actually burst in to flames, and she tells us about when this has happened to her.

Finally we get to see the beans done the roasting process. Watch the video for full details.







Have any thoughts on coffee beans, roasting or coffee in general? We’d love to hear them, leave us a comment below.


About the author

Kyle Thomas

Kyle grew up in Yellowknife and is a local entrepreneur, writer, baker, and Yellowknife Advocate who is addicted to learning as much as he can about the community and sharing it with anyone who'll listen. In 2009 he developed A website all about living, working and thriving in Yellowknife for residents, newcomers, and visitors.


  • I'd much rather pay some coffee farmer in an impoverished country to roast the beans for me than take the time to roast them myself. That way we both win.

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