For the last couple years Yellowknifers have been finding perfectly formed snowballs all around Yellowknife, from Walmart to the Courthouse. A mysterious resident has gone around making these pristine snowballs, leaving Yellowknifers wondering who was been making them and why?
Out of pure luck I ran into the man that makes the snowballs while he was crafting one of his beauties. With a huge smile on my face I had to ask him if I could take a picture of him.
Michael Penney is his name and, well, snowball making is his game. Michael enlighten me about what he was doing. He didn’t say why he actually did it, but it seemed more for pleasure than anything else. One snowball on its own is not much, but several snowballs all around town is something more he told me. Michael said sometimes he doesn’t just leave one snowball, sometimes he makes pyramids with 40 or 50 snowballs.
After digging a bit online I also found out that Michael Penney is the artist credited for leaving Inuktitut written in chalk around Yellowknife.
Well, Michael, keep on keepin’ on. Thanks for brightening up our days.