Charlie, a local street person, who is known to most of Yellowknife, did something completely unexpected last week. The Yellowknifer has a full story on it but I know there are many people who can’t get to their online section so I’ll post some brief details.
Charlie walked into the SideDoor last week and donate $2000 to the Youth Centre. The money came from Charlie’s residential school settlement. He said in the newspaper article that he loves children and hopes they grow up to be good people.
Charlie, and many other people who walk the streets of Yellowknife, are very close to me. Many are good people stuck in bad situations that they can’t get out of. I’m collecting some of the stories from the street to share with people. You can follow along and sign up for more information at
If you see Charlie on the street, stop and thank him for his generosity and betterment of the community.
Blown away.
I truly am.
Me too, John.
me too!
Truly an uplifting and heart warming story to read. Thank you Charlie!
Thank you Charlie. Yellowknife has had many interesting and community-minded street people over the years. I met many of them during my time there and still smile at how close Margaret Thrasher came to becoming mayor.
Well done Charlie. You have a kind soul. I remember you since I was a crazy teen on those crazy YK streets. If you were standing you were smiling and cheerful. Cudos man.
Let’s see who can meet or beat Charlie’s donation!
when you spend your life telling yourself you will only be happy when you are rich , will be sadly disappointed, I’m glad some people get that happiness is in the moment , its all we have
If you ever see Charlie, give him a handshake from me. Tell him he is a gift to others. Tell him that this made me happy. Good for you Charlie!
Wow! Talk abo/it your widow with three pennies. Well done, Charlie. I am so sorry about the wrongs done to you and your friends because of the misguided residential school policy. Taking you away from your home and the love of your family was nothing short of wrong! Your desire to help kids today shows what strength of character you have. We should all be as caring as you.
He walked right up the church aisle in the middle of my wedding to hand my wife and I a twenty dollar bill…and then walked right out again. Very generous man!
What a kind and wonderful gesture. Very inspiring!
God is a giver! Hope to meet Charlie, a hero!