
Native Press on Twitter

Here is a finding that I am curious about. A new Twitter user to the Yellowknife area has poped up but it isn’t just Joe Blow. Native Press has only 2 updates thus far and it is still unsure as to what/who the user actually is.

The Twitter profile tells us that they are located in Yellowknife but I have never heard of them. Their description states they are a start up newspaper for Canada Native population. As for a website or any other details, well that will remain a mystery. When I Googled “Native Press” I could not find anything that could connect the Twitter page to another webpage.

So until they start to update there Twitter page more often or add more details about themselves we wont know.

If you know anything about the Native Press, please share below.


About the author

Kyle Thomas

Kyle grew up in Yellowknife and is a local entrepreneur, writer, baker, and Yellowknife Advocate who is addicted to learning as much as he can about the community and sharing it with anyone who'll listen. In 2009 he developed A website all about living, working and thriving in Yellowknife for residents, newcomers, and visitors.


  • Hmmm. Native Press was the name of a newspaper that operated here about ten or fifteen years ago. I don’t know what happened to it, or if this new Twitter account is related to it in any way. Karen from Serious Midnight used to work there before she left journalism.

  • Hmmm. Native Press was the name of a newspaper that operated here about ten or fifteen years ago. I don’t know what happened to it, or if this new Twitter account is related to it in any way. Karen from Serious Midnight used to work there before she left journalism.

  • I know someone who was a reporter on the Native Press in the 90s. I know CBC North did a TV item on it recently. I’ll find out.

  • I know someone who was a reporter on the Native Press in the 90s. I know CBC North did a TV item on it recently. I’ll find out.

  • Here’s the url:

    The original Native Press was the victim of cuts to federal funding for Aboriginal media many years ago. Without the overhead of dead tree publication, this version may have a fighting chance.

  • Here’s the url:

    The original Native Press was the victim of cuts to federal funding for Aboriginal media many years ago. Without the overhead of dead tree publication, this version may have a fighting chance.

  • Thanks for the link, Shaun. You’re right: this version might work. I’m watching the move to online news with great interest. I wonder how much of the “mass media” will still be with us in five years. It was about five years ago that we were all freaking out about media concentration.

  • Thanks for the link, Shaun. You’re right: this version might work. I’m watching the move to online news with great interest. I wonder how much of the “mass media” will still be with us in five years. It was about five years ago that we were all freaking out about media concentration.

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