Charlie Delorme has passed away at the age of 64, at his home in Yellowknife yesterday. Charlie was known by so many Yellowknifer’s, for so many years, and even more after being in the news recently for donating money to several non-profit organizations.
While not homeless, Charlie walked the streets of Yellowknife for over 40 years. In that time he met many of us and did many things around town. I myself met him when I was 10 years old. We celebrated his 50th birthday together at the Salvation Army. He was always optimistic in his speech and loved children.
Many of us, as I’ve seen on Facebook in the last 24 hours, have our own stories and memories of Charlie. As part of the Yellowknife streets book I am compiling, which documents the stories and lives of the many people who frequent the streets of Yellowknife, I would like to ask those who are willing to share their stories, to do so and I hope to include them as part of the book. Preserving the memory of Charlie forever.
It could be a long story about the relationship you had with Charlie over many year, or just a snippet or quote that reminds of him.
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