Blogger Profile

Blogger Profile: Liz Hargreaves

Next up for our Blogger Profile series is Liz Hargreaves. Liz just moved back to Yellowknife after finishing up studies at BCIT. She’s a journalist, videographer, web designer, editor, photojournalist, writer and award-winning newspaper designer and we are so glad to have her here in the north. Read all about her:


Who are you?
I am a new media nerd/videographer/journalist/photographer/designer/mum to a rambunctious toddler. I am also a limey gypsy who has lived in many diverse spots across Canada. I have a partner of 10 years and together we do fun family activities on the weekend (like our picnic to Long Lake today). I keep busy ☺

Where do you blog?
From wherever I am living at the time, so mostly from our home office, or living room since I am using a laptop.

Why do you blog?

I blog to keep up my writing skills and as a way to archive interesting information I come across that is mainly new media and tech related. I am also interested in provoking debate or discussion. For instance the Vimeo vs. YouTube thread I started was fun for me (though the comments for this came on the Facebook link as opposed to the blog!)

What is the best part of blogging? …Or worst?

The best part of blogging is the community it creates, and debate about what’s happening in the community – or around the world. The worst part of blogging – writing is hard.

Who do you write for? Yourself? Your Readers? Google? For a living?
I write mainly for myself. Blogging helps me research new technologies. But I am always aware there are other kindred nerd-types who might enjoy the information and ideas I come across.

Do you or would you ever censor yourself?
Of course! I wouldn’t want to burn any bridges or look like a new media douchebag. Blogging is like life and requires a social filter.

PC or Mac?
I work on Mac as my British Columbia Institute of Technology program required the purchase of a MacBook Pro. But the hard drives of my last two Macs died within months of use so I am feeling less love for Apple these days.

Blogs you read or would recommend?

Links people post on Twitter and I follow all the Yellowknife bloggers I can find by doing a search for hashtag #yzf.

You recently finished studies in New Media Design and Web Development, what prompted you to take that program?

I worked in the print and newspaper business for more than a decade and I wanted to keep my technology skills up-to-date. There are so many more interactive ways to reach viewers these days, through websites, social media channels, videos, gaming, etc. We live in an exciting time of change for communication and I love to learn about new ways of storytelling.

Are you originally from Yellowknife? Or what made you decide to move here?
We moved to Yellowknife in 2003 after my partner found a job for me on journalism job site   I worked for Northern News Services in its photo and production departments. For the past year, we lived in Burnaby, B.C. so I could complete my courses at BCIT. But we missed our friends and the great community feel of Yellowknife so we moved back as soon as the ferry was running this spring. I am looking forward to lots of great media adventures here as Yellowknife has a very Internet focused population, perhaps because of the harsh winters. You can bet I’ll have cool Yellowknife photo/video ops all over Flickr and YouTube in the coming months.


About the author

Kyle Thomas

Kyle grew up in Yellowknife and is a local entrepreneur, writer, baker, and Yellowknife Advocate who is addicted to learning as much as he can about the community and sharing it with anyone who'll listen. In 2009 he developed A website all about living, working and thriving in Yellowknife for residents, newcomers, and visitors.


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