
Bush on Twitter – Yellowknife Social Networking

I know what your thinking: What former President Bush on Twitter, I thought it would never happen. I didn’t even think that guy knew how to use a cell phone.

Well that is wrong. He is not. I was reading today’s paper and turned to our own Bush’s weekly cartoon. What was it about, twitter of course.

TwitterI like this cartoon. It makes me laugh because to some extent it is very true. The one thing I think is slightly wrong about it that I want to get out of the way first is. There are not many youth in Yellowknife actually using Twitter, it is mainly people over the age of 20.

That aside, the meaning of the picture is exactly what is going on right now. The majority of people do not understand Twitter (and other social networking sites) and choose not too. Which is unfortunate because that is the way things are going. Soon the internet will be used in every form of business and these social networking sites with be a very useful tool. The one thing I would like to try and encourage businesses and governments to do is not be the last one to join the revolution. Why not try to incorporate it now, why not try and be one of the front runners in this new revolution. Think of the recognition our small northern city could get if we started to use these sites to our advantage before others.

For example: Google Wave, which Google just announced 2 weeks ago will change (REALLY CHANGE) the way e-mail sharing and collaboration is done within a workforce. I encourage you to watch Google’s video on the Wave

Yellowknife, what are you thoughts on these Social Networking sites? Do you understand them?


About the author

Kyle Thomas

Kyle grew up in Yellowknife and is a local entrepreneur, writer, baker, and Yellowknife Advocate who is addicted to learning as much as he can about the community and sharing it with anyone who'll listen. In 2009 he developed A website all about living, working and thriving in Yellowknife for residents, newcomers, and visitors.


  • fwiw I’m over 40 and have been using twitter regularly for over 2 years. I have tons of peers with whom I engage who, like me, are well past 20! It’s definitely not just “something the kids are doing”.

  • fwiw I’m over 40 and have been using twitter regularly for over 2 years. I have tons of peers with whom I engage who, like me, are well past 20! It’s definitely not just “something the kids are doing”.

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