A fun series that I thought would showcase more of Yellowknife is the week passed on Instagram. Like on Twitter, Instagram users can tag their photos with hashtags and because of that we can search #Yellowknife and see all the cool photos people take while exploring the city and area. So on what looks to be one of the coldest days of winter lets take a look at what everyone is up to.
We start off with Hidesans’s trio of aurora shots of Yellowknife. With these cold temperatures make sure to bundle up when you go aurora viewing.
One of the neat things about the extreme cold is what Mindnoir’s photo shows us, hoarfrost. Just look at any tree as you are passing by and see how it appears to have turned white magically.
1lovableladybug’s photo captions says Yellowknife is a hard place not to like when it looks this beautiful, and I couldn’t agree more. Cold, but beautiful.
Kevvink, a local photographer and filmmaker, is taking us back to warmer days for a second. Reminding us that there is light at the end of the frozen ice tunnel.
To finish this weeks photos off though is Casey_e_dunn’s photo of a houseboat frozen in the ice. It should be noted that while houseboaters don’t have driveways in the summer, they have some of the biggest ice driveways in the winter.
So that is this weeks glimpse into Yellowknife Instagram. I wonder what next week will bring? Tag a photo with #Yellowknife and maybe I’ll pick it.