The Wildcat Cafe is one of the most iconic buildings in Yellowknife. One of Yellowknife’s first restaurant, which has been opened and closed numerous times over the years, as well as renovated several times since it first opened in the 1930’s.
One of the biggest changes around The Wildcat are the buildings on the hill. The hill played host to a hotel, drug store and the newspaper might have even been on the hill at one time. Nowadays the hill hosts several homes and the Pilots Monument. If you ever want to experience the rustic Wildcat Cafe it is open throughout the summer.
Do you remember what was on Pilots Monument hill in the early years?
If you have photos of Yellowknife’s past, the city, buildings, landscapes and want to share them please email me through the contact page, as I’d love to continue this series.
[…] stories of Annemieke, the raven whisperer; of Willie Wylie first owner of Yellowknife’s famous Wildcat Café, and how she came to meet his 79-year old son when he returned to Yellowknife to revisit his […]