Yellowknife is a pleasant little surprise at the end of the road. Many people, including many of my own friends in other parts of Canada, don’t grasp what Yellowknife is really like. I try to explain it as the little big city in the middle of the NWT. We have lots of road, street lights… and skyscrapers. Not like you’d see in Toronto or Vancouver, but our little 14 story buildings do make a recognizable city skyline.
No doubt that the skyline has changed over the years, we saw that in the last Then & Now post looking into New Town. This time, though we have the perspective of if you were to drive into Yellowknife for the first time.
Caption: Yellowknife skyline. 1990 Credit: PW&S/NWT Archives/G-1995-001-6213
Caption: Yellowknife skyline 2013 Credit: Kyle Thomas 2013
[image-comparator left=”/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/PWSNWT-ArchivesG-1995-001-6213.jpg” right=”/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/DSC_0261.jpg”][/image-comparator]Maybe not a lot has changed in the past 20 years, but many buildings are different colours now, the Visitor Centre is built and the Explorer Hotel has its addition.
If you have photos of Yellowknife’s past, the city, buildings, landscapes and want to share them please email me through the contact page, as I’d love to continue this series.