Driving in or out of Yellowknife is a long uneventful trip, most of the time. One highlight is riding the Merv Hardie across the MacKenzie River at Fort Providence. It is a small ferry and the ride is short, but it is a nice little break from driving the long mundane highway.
If you want to know more about the Merv Hardie or Ferry crossing be sure to listen to the Yk Quick Tip all about the Merv Hardie Ferry.
I think the drive to (and better yet, from) Yellowknife is the best part of Yellowknife.
I can see why you’d say that. I actually agree on some of it. Sometimes I think Yellowknife, or the north, is our little hidden away secret.
Yeah. The longer I live in the territory, the more what I love about it isn’t the human component. Nothing is well run or well done, but you can stand 20′ away from an animal that most people will never see live, let alone out of a cage. And the air is clean. Somehow that’s enough to overlook the awful housing and job markets, the mediocre amenities, the absence of mental health services, the crumbling roads, the bridge boondoggle, the small-town pettiness, and the high price of everything.
What a waste of tax payer money on that junky bridge. I think, the best part was the ferry itself. It gave you a few moments to get out and stretch your legs and just take a break from staring at nothing. The Merv Hardie will always be a part of the NWT no matter how much money grubbing Government want it gone.