Yk Quick Tips

Information on Old Town & Wildcat Cafe

Yk Quick Tips is your guide to Yellowknife, NT. Whether you are moving to the city, just visiting or live here, we can offer information about all the best things. The show will contain info about what to do while visiting, things to know about moving to the City and everything else interesting about the Knife .

Take stroll down the hill and explore the history of Yellowknife.

Follow me, KyleWith, as we explore Old Town and its history in this episode. I share what I think makes Old Town so unique and interesting, some of the places you should check out and what Old Town was like back when it wasn’t Old Town.

Also, I go into more depth about Yellowknife’s oldest restaurant, the Wildcat Cafe. When it was built, who built it, the history of the building and what they serve today.

Really good episode filled with a lot of good content. Take a listen, leave a comment. Remember, if you have any questions about Yellowknife send them to info@ykonline.ca


About the author

Kyle Thomas

Kyle grew up in Yellowknife and is a local entrepreneur, writer, baker, and Yellowknife Advocate who is addicted to learning as much as he can about the community and sharing it with anyone who'll listen. In 2009 he developed YkOnline.ca. A website all about living, working and thriving in Yellowknife for residents, newcomers, and visitors.

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