Social Media and Networking in Yellowknife is slowly growing, whether it be on Twitter, Facebook or NWT Blogs. The momentum is there and we are heading on up the hill chanting “yes we can, yes we can”
With the online community of Yellowknife growing the events are close behind. The Yellowknife Bloggers from NWTBlogs have already held 3 meet ups. While a “yktweetup” may be in the near future. These events are a wonderful experience to put a face to the handles of the people you interact with on a daily bases.
While to those just coming for the party don’t find it a lot of work, it may be a different story for the host. Will people like it, is the place clean, is the food any good, etc. Therefore I have found a simple How-to Guide to throwing a Social Media Shin Dig: HOW TO: Plan and Promote Events With Social Media
If you are a Social Media Guru why not check out Yellowknife’s Social Media Club on Facebook