This video has been shared around Facebook several time this morning and it is pretty funny.
Merlyn Williams has a friend, it is a raven. Apparently this raven hangs out on his deck, which appears to be on the shore of Great Slave Lake. Well I guess Merlyn decided to have a wee little chat with Mr. Raven.
As you can see in the video the raven seems fidgety but not threatened enough to fly away.
What is the funniest encounter you’ve had with a raven?
What a character – both of them!
When we first moved to YK in 72, I was14 and remember spending half an hour looking for a whimpering baby/child .. Raven! Later in my 20’s I cursed them many times for dancing on the tin roof of my trailer.
I have seen a Raven with a whole roll of rolo’s, another with a whole muffin, and one flew by with a whole slice of pizza. Raven’s are the best!