Everything Yellowknife

Yellowknife makes Fail Blog

It seems a quote in one of the issues of the Yellowknifer has made it into FailBlog.org. I wont comment of the quote, but I must admit is a rather funny, although I’m not sure how out of context it really is. I feel bad for Const. Scaplen, I hope he sees the humour in it like everyone else.

epic fail photos - Comment FAIL

It is light hearted and funny. Don’t you think?



About the author

Kyle Thomas

Kyle grew up in Yellowknife and is a local entrepreneur, writer, baker, and Yellowknife Advocate who is addicted to learning as much as he can about the community and sharing it with anyone who'll listen. In 2009 he developed YkOnline.ca. A website all about living, working and thriving in Yellowknife for residents, newcomers, and visitors.


  • What’s the “fail” in it? It can’t be that Constable Scaplen has a sense of humour. It must be that the Yellowknife RCMP are getting calls about pigs. That’s pretty ridiculous. Who calls the police about pig sightings?

  • What’s the “fail” in it? It can’t be that Constable Scaplen has a sense of humour. It must be that the Yellowknife RCMP are getting calls about pigs. That’s pretty ridiculous. Who calls the police about pig sightings?

    • I believe it went from a ‘non-story’ to a ‘story’ when numerous people called the police about a loose pig. That’s the story and yes, it was meant to be hilarious and not taken seriously.

      Todd made the comment with full knowledge it was a funny things to say and was trying to shed light on the humour of the situation.

      It seems like some of you are taking the story too seriously. It’s a community newspaper and we right about community news. Sometimes stories aren’t about serious issues with government, city hall, social issues, etc., they touch on the lighter side of what is happening in Yellowknife.

      It might be a non-story to some of you, but it’s also a story we got a lot of feedback about because of it’s hilarity.

      • …and before anyone makes a point of it, I used the wrong word, I meant write, not right. Changed thoughts.

        • Don’t let people get you worked up. If there is anything I have learned over the years about comments it is that they should never be taken to seriously.

          • Well, I understand why the writer would be sensitive about this. I mean, it ended up on FailBlog. That sucks. I honestly don’t think it’s a fail, though. (“Win” is probably over-reaching, but definitely not “fail”.) It’s a silly topic and the guy’s obviously trying to be funny.

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