There is lots to do in Yellowknife and you should never be bored. Select one of the activity time period options below or view all the major events that take place in Yellowknife throughout the year.
[button link=”/things-to-do/summer-activities”]Summer[/button][button link=”/things-to-do/winter-activities”]Winter[/button][button link=”/things-to-do/outdoors”]Outdoor[/button][button link=”/things-to-do/indoor-activities”]Indoor[/button][button link=”/things-to-do/major-events”]Major Events[/button] [tabs style=”default”] [tab title=”Winter Activities”]Winter lasts about 8 months of the year in Yellowknife, so we like to embrace it by getting out and having fun. Here are some ideas of things to do this winter:
[toggle title_open=”Snowmobiling” title_closed=”Snowmobiling”] Home to some of the most intricate snowmobile trails in Canada, Yellowknife has long been one of the most accessible cities by snowmobile.Rent a snowmobile and explore Yellowknife from the point of view not often seen.[/toggle] [toggle title_open=”Aurora Watching” title_closed=”Aurora Watching”]

Whether you are looking to photograph the Aurora or just view them has helped put together an Aurora Viewing Map of all the places around Yellowknife to view them.[/toggle] [/tab] [tab title=”Outdoors & Nature”]Outdoors & Nature content goes here.[/tab] [tab title=”Major Events”]Yellowknife has many famous annual events that keep this city alive and energized.
[toggle title_open=”Long John Jamboree” title_closed=”Long John Jamboree”]
This festival has something for everyone, from the Ugly Dog and Truck contest to the Teddy Bear Hospital and the Diavik 150 Dogsled Races.
Happing on Yellowknife Bay between the Snow King’s Snow Castle and the Government Boat Launch
Dates: Third or Fourth weekend in March
[/toggle] [toggle title_open=”Folk on the Rocks” title_closed=”Folk on the Rocks”]The norths biggest and best Folk Festival. Happening in the third week in July, you can join the non-stop party on the shores of Long Lake.
List to Northern, local and south talent play on one of the many stages at the Folk on the Rocks site.
Date: Third weekend in July
[/toggle] [toggle title_open=”Midnight Sun Golf Tournament” title_closed=”Midnight Sun Golf Tournament”]With all day and all night sunlight, there wont be an excuse to leave the course. Happening on June 22 & 23, 2012[/toggle] [toggle title_open=”Aboriginal Day” title_closed=”Aboriginal Day”]Happens on June 21 of each year and is a Territorial Holiday. Past years a celebration of the aboriginal culture starts off with a parade down Franklin Ave to the City Hall Civic Plaza.
Traditionally a Fish Fry commences from that point and other aboriginal festivities
Date: June 21[/toggle] [toggle title_open=”Canada Day” title_closed=”Canada Day”] Canada Day Parade[/toggle] [/tab] [tab title=”Indoor Activities”]/2010/10/kickboxing-at-the-martial-centre/[/tab] [/tabs]