We’re starting something new here called the Sunday Morning Link Fest. On Sunday mornings every once and a while a new post will be published of different sites around Yellowknife. If you know of a good sites that you want featured like your own or one you may have just found go to the Contact page and send it in.
This week:
- Yellowknife Ravens is Yellowknife’s official Broom Ball team. Check them out at http://www.yellowkniferavens.com
- NWTers is a neat new site the brings NWT Twitter tweets together on one site. Tags such as #yzf, yellowknife, x1a, inuvik and the GNWT, as well as some of the News accounts from around the north. It definitely deserves a bookmark if you don’t use a twitter desktop client.
- Netvibes is an excellent cite for bringing together content from all over the web. In this case we going to look at Liz’s Yellowknife tab. You can find the page here and there you will find loads of Yellowknifey Goodness. Everything from Twitter updates about Yellowknife to Flickr Photos and Youtube videos tagged with Yellowknife. With news from GNWT and the City as well as updates from UpHere Magazine and YkOnline. If you haven’t already checked it out, do so for a nice refreshing ray of Yellowknife.
- I thought I would add in the Folk on the Rocks site in light of the fact next weekend is the festival. You can find their site at http://www.folkontherocks.com
There you have it folks 4 sites from and about Yellowknife. Remember if you know of a good local site you want to plug send it in through the Contact page.