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UPDATE: Response to the Yellowknife Video

UPDATE: It has been said that the first response video was much worse than the first. So I’m pleased to say that yet another response video has been made, and this time is a lot more positive. The video was created by the Yk Paddlers. Enjoy.

I was just passed along the video below  response video to the “Helping a Yellowknife Tourist” video. Before I watched it, I though “oh good some one is going to point out some of the positives of Yellowknife.” Unfortunately that wasn’t the case. The very actually makes fun and stereotypes the creator of the original video. I don’t know how I feel about this, because this response video is not really any better than the first.

What are your thoughts on this response.?

Idea: Maybe why should collectively gather some of the positive things about Yellowknife and create a response video.


About the author

Kyle Thomas

Kyle grew up in Yellowknife and is a local entrepreneur, writer, baker, and Yellowknife Advocate who is addicted to learning as much as he can about the community and sharing it with anyone who'll listen. In 2009 he developed YkOnline.ca. A website all about living, working and thriving in Yellowknife for residents, newcomers, and visitors.


  • First video: *snooooze* It’s just an information dump of what to do here. The whole point of the first one was comedy, this is for information. They are two totally different genres and therefore not comparable. I mean, I get that everyone is all upset that someone would dare to slam YK, but you can do the same for ANY city! The very fact that everyone gets defensive and can’t laugh about it shows how much it hits home…

    Second video: shows up as private and can’t watch it.

    • The second video insulted the creator of the original video (posted the other day). It made assumptions about him and then mocked him based on those assumptions. Bonus: People who actually ARE members of the groups it mentioned could be insulted, too! (32- or 33-year-old men, graphic designers, people who are leaving Yellowknife, etc.)

  • Really. Whats the fuss about. I just got here from Toronto. When was the last drive by shooting in Yellowknife? There’s one every week in Toronto.

    Put this in perspective. If this is the worst dirt you can dig up about Yellowknife you should be proud.

  • The response video says ‘This video is private’, so i’m afraid i can’t see it.

    But about the original video… I liked it! And man, that paddle & bannock ‘date’ sounds awesome! Definitely something i’d love to do! Looks like i’ll have to look up the YK Paddlers when i move to YK this June! 🙂

  • Somehow I ended up here while researching moving to Yellowknife, ok I’ll bite. If the previous “sorta” funny video highlighted stereotypes and “social problems” in Yellowknife then all I can say is I’m glad I’m looking into moving to Yellowknife, I’m being dead serious. I am a dual citizen not in Canada at the moment, I could write a thesis about the stereotypes and all the “social problems” there are where I am at, let alone the entire country I find myself in. (not canada)

    So, a few minor problems got jabbed at, no biggy. Now where’s that “jobs” tab that I was originally looking for and went on a tangent

  • Somehow I ended up here while researching moving to Yellowknife, ok I’ll bite. If the previous “sorta” funny video highlighted stereotypes and “social problems” in Yellowknife then all I can say is I’m glad I’m looking into moving to Yellowknife, I’m being dead serious. I am a dual citizen not in Canada at the moment, I could write a thesis about the stereotypes and all the “social problems” there are where I am at, let alone the entire country I find myself in. (not canada)

    So, a few minor problems got jabbed at, no biggy. Now where’s that “jobs” tab that I was originally looking for and went on a tangent

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