To continue the discussion of food prices in the north, Hughie took some photos of food items for me during a recent trip to Inuvik. Inuvik is located 3000km northwest by car from Yellowknife. It is in a similar situation as Yellowknife, it does have a road leading to the town but as it is much further north it is undoubtedly more expensive. Inuvik also gets a lot more materials barged and flown in. As you can see some items are double what they are in Yellowknife. I’m not sure if there are any current Inuvik residents reading YkOnline, but it would be great to get past and present alike to chime in with their experiences with food prices in Inuvik or any other northern community for that matter.
If you’ve got something to say about Northern Food Prices please do so in the comment section. If you want to share your thoughts on Yellowknife Food Prices head on over to the Yellowknife Food Prices post. Thanks again to Hughie for the photos.
Wow! That’s insane. And to think the product isn’t the freshest stuff.
Wow! That’s insane. And to think the product isn’t the freshest stuff.