Folk on the Rocks People

Interview with Michael Bernard Fitzgerald

I had the pleasure to speak with Michael Bernard Fitzgerald before he travels to Yellowknife for the 30th Folk on the Rocks. Listen to the full interview using the player above or click the link to download it.

My first impression of MBF when talking to him was that he is a very genuine person. He was about as thankful to be doing the interview with me, as I was doing it with him.

He spent all of April touring Canada playing shows and then went solo in May for a road trip. He said the idea behind heading into the US on a solo road trip was to help with some creativity and to just have some fun.

He started playing acoustic guitar in 2005 and it took off from there. Having started writing songs in Junior High, he gets his inspiration from music like Motown, choral arrangements and choirs. He says he likes the simplicity of acoustic guitar, but also enjoys the big band sound.

MBF committed to his music full-time only two years ago, but also mentions that there was never a defining point whether or not to do it. He says he always knew he wanted to make music and as he did the momentum and support grew.

Having organized several shows around Alberta, with an almost sold out show of 1600 with 120 different people on stage, he is not afraid to push the envelope and push himself to the limit. He did tell me, that if I find the plane, he would make the calls to get all those people up to Yellowknife. He says he enjoys those types of challenges, doing things that are original and not seen often.

To wrap up the conversation I asked him if he would be treating us to any news songs that will be on his new album, which is set to be released in 2010, this weekend at Folk on the Rocks. He told me you never know, but at the moment says he is still working on them and making sure they are just right. In his words he is letting them simmer for the time being.

To get the full extent of the interview listen to it above. Make sure you check out Michael Bernard Fitzgerald’s music on iTunes and his website, Follow him on Twitter @iLoveMBF and on Facebook.

Photo Credit: Christopher Troy


About the author

Kyle Thomas

Kyle grew up in Yellowknife and is a local entrepreneur, writer, baker, and Yellowknife Advocate who is addicted to learning as much as he can about the community and sharing it with anyone who'll listen. In 2009 he developed A website all about living, working and thriving in Yellowknife for residents, newcomers, and visitors.

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