
Ice Pilots on for Second Season!

Ice Pilots NWT just announced it will be airing for a second season. The hit reality show featuring Northern Pilots has become the History Channels highest rated show, beating out Ice Road Truckers.

Some Yellowknife residents may have noticed that they are indeed already filming the second season. I have seen some tweets about it:

I have not written about the show since before it had even aired. During that time I may have been a little harsh on what I thought the show might be. After seeing some of the episodes and the effort the team is making over the Social Networking sites I think they are really doing well.

Before the show aired, I thought it would be over exaggerated and fake. Being from the north, I don’t like when that happens. Thankfully it has been a pretty decent show, and definitely a hit among Yellowknife residents. It is always fun seeing your home town being featured in a TV show. Working with any kind of machinery in the -30 to -40 weather can be a pain, so kudos to the pilots and ground crew that not only work in it, but also fly in it.


About the author

Kyle Thomas

Kyle grew up in Yellowknife and is a local entrepreneur, writer, baker, and Yellowknife Advocate who is addicted to learning as much as he can about the community and sharing it with anyone who'll listen. In 2009 he developed A website all about living, working and thriving in Yellowknife for residents, newcomers, and visitors.


  • To be honest, I am happy that Yellowknife is once again in the spotlight of such a popular show on TV. That could possibly drive tourism and future hit TV shows. Maybe this will finally be the end to the 15 minutes of shame that our very own Mr. Ice Road Trucker himself has been putting himself through as of late. Hopefully the stars of IPNWT don’t let their ego and head get to big like Mr. Debogorski.

  • To be honest, I am happy that Yellowknife is once again in the spotlight of such a popular show on TV. That could possibly drive tourism and future hit TV shows. Maybe this will finally be the end to the 15 minutes of shame that our very own Mr. Ice Road Trucker himself has been putting himself through as of late. Hopefully the stars of IPNWT don’t let their ego and head get to big like Mr. Debogorski.

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