
I AM BETTY Download Day: April 23, 2012

Earlier this week we saw the release of the remixes to the song “Home and Dry” sung by Stephen Rees featuring Marla Signer, which was released on the Friday before. This song will be apart of the I AM BETTY soundtrack being released on May 25, 2012 but it is currently available along with the remixes now on iTunes.

What I AM BETTY is organizing now is an official Download Day leading up to the launch of the full soundtrack at the end of May, which you can preorder here. They are encouraging people to download and share the “Home and Dry” versions on April 23, 2012. You can buy and share them any time you want as well but they are hoping for a big push on the 23rd, which is a Monday for those wondering.

To take part you need to do two thing (or just one but two is better) on April 23, 2012:

1. Download at least one version of the “Home and Dry” song. Here are the links:

  • Home and Dry (Single) ()
  • Home and Dry (Music Video) ()
  • Home and Dry (7th Heaven Remix) ()
  • Home and Dry (High Level Remix) ()

2. Share these links on Facebook and Twitter (or just one) with your friends encouraging them to support the I AM BETTY campaign as well.

Share the I AM BETTY Facebook Page now    |    

And remember 100% of the funds raised from the sales of the song will go directly towards the construction of the home for women and women with children at risk of becoming homeless in Yellowknife.

If you are a non-profit group and have an event happening or something of the like send the information to and I’ll do my best to help promote it within the community.


About the author

Kyle Thomas

Kyle grew up in Yellowknife and is a local entrepreneur, writer, baker, and Yellowknife Advocate who is addicted to learning as much as he can about the community and sharing it with anyone who'll listen. In 2009 he developed A website all about living, working and thriving in Yellowknife for residents, newcomers, and visitors.

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