On Saturday the Salvation Army held their annual Food Drive at the Co-op. The Food Drive went excellently and they had a great turn out.
Over the past few years the Salvation Army and Co-op have started selling pre-made hampers. These hampers have everything in them that could last a family a week. They are also known as the emergency food hampers. If a family comes in to the Army needing a little but of food to get through the week, that is what they are for. By, buying and donating these pre-made hampers it not only saves the Salvation Army staff time but also gives you a quick easy way to give back.
As perusal the BBQ was going and, hotdogs and pop were available to anyone who needed a bit of a pick-me-up while out shopping for the afternoon.
The Salvation Army would like to thank everyone who came out and volunteered or donated.
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