At, we’re trying to keep you informed and connected to the people who would like to have a hand in the building and operation of Yellowknife but in a light-hearted way. We sent around the following questions to each of the candidates for mayor and council asking for a written or video response. As each candidate responds we’ll post their answers. You can follow all the 2012 Municipal Election posts with the tag “yzfelec2012“.
Where do you volunteer and why?
- Soccer – coach and tournament organizer – because I love soccer and seeing the athletes get better. It’s also a lot of fun and I get to meet so many great people.
- Special Olympics Snowshoeing: The athletes are a great group and I wanted to coach in a non-competitive environment.
- Northern Arts and Culture Center: Love seeing the shows and working with new people.
- Vagina Monologues: A great cause (working to empower women and end violence against women) and a great group of women. An opportunity to help the community and grow.
What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve done in public?
Hmm…I don’t think I get embarrassed easily, but I always love waving at people enthusiastically and then realize that I don’t know them and slyly put my arm down…
How will you communicate with residents, how will that be better than what is available now?
Quarterly town hall meetings – rotating locations around town – will be an informal opportunity for Council to provide updates, and an opportunity for residents to share their concerns and ask questions.
What do you have in your fridge?
Dominantly fruits and veggies – including my home grown beets, carrots, and swiss chard – plus a lot of salsa, BBQ sauce, and salad dressing.
How do people know you around town?
Either through soccer or the Stanton Territorial Hospital Foundation.
Where can you be found most often during the endless days in the summer?
On my back deck enjoying the sun with a good book, pistachios, and a cold drink.
Describe what the Harbour Plan is in plain english and why it is, or isn’t important.
The Harbour Plan looks to develop opportunities for recreation and tourism, from the mouth of Yellowknife River to Negus point, in a culturally and ecologically responsible way. It’s looking to improve access to the Lake, develop trails, and enhance the arts, culture and architecture in Old Town.
Have you worked with any of the other councilor candidates before?
As an active, long-time Yellowknifer, I’ve worked with most of the candidates before. Lydia was my brownie leader, Linda was my predecessor at the Stanton Foundation, Cory and I were on a Relay for Life team, Adrian was my boss at Javaroma, Dan was a few years behind me in school, Amanda and I took a course together, and the list goes on…
What is your favourite winter activity?
Having cook-offs (and winning) with friends. Latest victory: best vegetarian pizza!
Are you a first generation Yellowknifer?
Born and raised in Yellowknife!
Have you worked on councils or committee before?
Not on City council or committees, but I’ve worked with the NWT Soccer Association for years and sit on the Stanton Territorial Hospital Foundation’s board.
For more information on how to follow each of the candidates visit our Election 2012 Page.