At, we’re trying to keep you informed and connected to the people who would like to have a hand in the building and operation of Yellowknife but in a light-hearted way. We sent around the following questions to each of the candidates for mayor and council asking for a written or video response. As each candidate responds we’ll post their answers. You can follow all the 2012 Municipal Election posts with the tag “yzfelec2012“.
Beaton MacKenzie
Where do you volunteer and why?
I volunteer at YK Scouts, YK Minor Hockey, YK OldTimers Hockey, YK Senior Hockey, assisted friend at LongJohn Jamboree , Meal on Wheels, Royal Purple of Canada associate of YK Elks Lodge, Knights of Columbus St. Pats Church, Sir John Franklin High School: Sports, Santa Claus Parade, Recycling program, Graduation program, Fundraiser for IT program.
Volunteers are the often the glue that holds a community together. It gives you the reward of making new friends, sharing your skills and getting to know your community better.
What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve done in public?
Falling off the Church Altar during a service.
How will you communicate with residents, how will that be better than what is available now?
Through e-mail and meetings and venues throughout Yellowknife . Meeting people at their events who are passionate and open to their viewpoint.
What do you have in your fridge?
Fresh vegetables, fruit, milk, chicken, fish, homemade soup, salads.
How do people know you around town?
After Thirty-three years of teaching and volunteering in Yellowknife. It would be safe to say that very few people do not know me.
Where can you be found most often during the endless days in the summer?
In the backyard or the garage and if fortunate a good walk around a lake.
Describe what the Harbour Plan is in plain english and why it is, or isn’t important.
The Harbour Plan is to address the safety and public access to the waterfront. To increase the ease and access to the waterfront for recreation, tourists activities and enjoyment for everyone.
Have you worked with any of the other councilor candidates before?
I have worked with former Mayors, Councillors and some of the present councillors along with the Mayor.
What is your favourite winter activity?
I would have to say that Hockey takes up most of my recreation time.
Are you a first generation Yellowknifer?
No, but some days my body feels like it!!!!
Have you worked on councils or committee before?
Caribou Carnival & Raven Mad Days that were run by the city.
For more information on how to follow each of the candidates visit our Election 2012 Page.