Everything Yellowknife

Election 2012 Questions: Amanda Mallon

At YkOnline.ca, we’re trying to keep you informed and connected to the people who would like to have a hand in the building and operation of Yellowknife but in a light-hearted way. We sent around the following questions to each of the candidates for mayor and council asking for a written or video response. As each candidate responds we’ll post their answers. You can follow all the 2012 Municipal Election posts with the tag “yzfelec2012“.

Amanda Mallon

Where do you volunteer and why?

I am on the board of the NWT Literacy Council because literacy is so essential – Don’t forget to READ FOR 15 this week. I support the NWT SPCA in specific events and am constantly impressed by what that hard working board manages to achieve. I volunteer at community events to show support and meet the diverse, dedicated and talented volunteers; some of my regular gigs are with Folk on the Rocks and YK Garden Tours, and now – Long John Jamboree.

What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve done in public?

About twenty years ago, a group of friends and I were headed by Zodiac to a rather ‘posh’ restaurant on Lac Isabella in Guatemala. It was my first time experiencing that initial bounce back after you dock. I stepped off confidently smiling at the crowd and plunged into the water like a stone! The good side of that was that because I provided everyone with a good laugh, I didn’t have to pay a cent for anything the rest of the evening.

How will you communicate with residents, how will that be better than what is available now?

First of all, I have been working hard over the past three years to promote plain language use in city documents…. it is a work in progress but I’m confident Yellowknifers will notice a difference in how we present our information.

Secondly, I am working on improving my own social media skills.  I have started to post regularly on my Amanda Mallon YK Council page; for this election, like other candidates I have my own page  – Amanda Mallon For Yellowknife Council. I am maintaining my own website http://amandamallon.com and last but not least I upgraded to a smart phone and opened a Twitter account @AmandaMallon1.

What do you have in your fridge?

I always have carrots for the dog (she loves them!), my favourite hot sauce –  Marie Sharp from Belize, and milk for coffee in the morning.

How do people know you around town?

Over the years, I have been known as Mick and Cynthia Mallon’s daughter, as Ms. Mallon, classroom teacher and educator, Old Town resident, avid gardener and bird watcher, animal lover, dog owner, Madeline’s aunt and of course, the woman with that hair.

Where can you be found most often during the endless days in the summer?

I’m in either in my garden, birding or exploring places to walk the dogs. And am always looking for an excuse for a boat ride!

Describe what the Harbour Plan is in plain English and why it is, or isn’t important.

The Harbour Plan is a response to residents wanting improved and increased access to the great resource that is Yellowknife Harbour. What has been developed is a 20 year plan to guide the actions of the City in its work with the various orders of government. The most immediate results that will be seen by residents are the clean up of the Government dock and the building of some floatplane docks on Back Bay. It is so important that we continue this work with ongoing consultation with all our residents.

Have you worked with any of the other councilor candidates before?

I have worked with Bob Brooks, Lyda Bardak and Cory Vanthuyne on Council. Linda Bussey was the YK Chamber of Commerce representative on the Social Issues Committee. Phil Moon Son and I have worked together on several events in our capacities as constituency assistants for Yellowknife MLAs. As a former YK #1 teacher at Mildred Hall School, Beaton Mackenzie and I worked together for many years.

What is your favourite winter activity?

As a long time northerner, I’ve learned that you need more than just one favourite activity to make it through the winter. It is a time to take long walks out on Yellowknife Bay with dogs, read good books, spend quality time with family and friends, attend the great events showcasing local and visiting artists, and eating great food. I love meeting the challenge of a really cold winter day – there’s something great about the fact that Yellowknife doesn’t let -40 slow it down.

Are you a first generation Yellowknifer?

I am a first generation Canadian with 43 years in the NWT and 38 years as a Yellowknifer.

Have you worked on councils or committees before?b

On this Council, I am a member of the following committees: Combative Sports Commission, Heritage Committee, Social Issues Committee (Chair), Yellowknife Homelessness Coalition (Co-Chair), Downtown Enhancement Committee until it was rolled into Smart Growth.

I was involved in the NWT Teachers’ Association for twenty years, four of them as NWTTA President and board member of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation with a one year term as a vice president of CTF. During this time, I was on many territorial and national committees. For the past twenty years I have been involved with a number of boards for non profit organizations.

For more information on how to follow each of the candidates visit our Election 2012 Page.


About the author

Kyle Thomas

Kyle grew up in Yellowknife and is a local entrepreneur, writer, baker, and Yellowknife Advocate who is addicted to learning as much as he can about the community and sharing it with anyone who'll listen. In 2009 he developed YkOnline.ca. A website all about living, working and thriving in Yellowknife for residents, newcomers, and visitors.

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