The Advertiser/Business agrees to the insertion of one (1) non-exclusive coupon/discount in the Yellowknife Discount Guide book at the time, details and rates stated above, including additional advertising options, and agrees to pay Yellowknife Discount Guide the amounts stated, if any. Payment is due upon receipt of invoice. Two percent (2%) per month interest will be charged on accounts over 30 days of invoice date. Failure to complete payment before publication date will render this contract null and void This contract or any portion may be canceled by the advertiser giving notice in writing no later than 30 days prior to publication date. Guaranteed positions cannot be canceled.
One (1) proof of the coupon spread specific to the business mentioned above will be provided to the contact information above. The maximum liability in the event of error is limited to the ad space rate for that issue. In such event, the contract will be extended by one issue for same advertising space at no charge. Contract price will remain unaffected. Yellowknife Discount Guide reserves the right to refuse advertising at any time without penalty. All advertisements are accepted and published with the understanding that the advertiser assumes liability for content of advertising matter (including text (discount
amounts and rules, representation and illustrations.). Placement of ads (other than confirmed cover placements) is at the discretion of the Yellowknife Discount Guide editor, manager, partner or representative. Possible Publication Date: Early 2017