I have pondered lately about what type of content is best for YkOnline.ca, actually I always seem to be thinking about it. Some may think a blog is traditionally text, but then the 2.0 Web is all about multimedia, which goes to say they any type of content is acceptable. That is why I’m asking the question today, what kind of content do you like best? If you haven’t noticed I like all types of content, mainly audio and visual content though. I will give you a run down of how I would LOVE to see content here on YkOnline.ca.
We’ll start with photos and video (the visual content). I enjoy producing posts with lots of photos and videos because I feel it does a better job at telling a story or delivering a message than if I were to write it out. Along with these photos and videos I will add text to the post and generally explain what is happening in them. I find if I see photos and video with in a post accompanied by text I can relate better to what the author is trying to say (I’m a visual learner).
Moving on to audio, a medium I don’t think we have done enough of on YkOnline.ca. I don’t know how many of you listen to CBC Radio but I feel as though there are no good audio shows about Yellowknife and that is where I want to help. I’m waiting on a portable audio recorder that will allow me to get out more and help bring to life the voice of Yellowknife. These audio shows (Podcasts) are available on iTunes or right here on the site and are once again accompanied by text that describe what it is the post is about.
As you can see all the mediums mentioned above are accompanied with text. So I guess it is obvious that text is most prominent within this site. Some post can’t have photos, video or audio, like when a local issue has come up throughout town and I want to let everyone have their say. Sometimes it is best to have text, especially those of you who don’t have speakers or can’t watch video at work.
This is where I want to hand it over to you. Sometimes I don’t know which medium to go with and end of with a post that should may have good content but was produced horribly. Below is a simple poll with 4 options. You can choose which are you topic three ways of receiving content. Please vote and spread the word.
[poll id=”2″]
Hey, Kyle!
I think the poll goes to show that audio by itself is kind of a boring medium to acquire the news. Maybe that’s why we find listening to the radio so dull. I for one am a huge fan of being able to see the speaker’s facial expressions as they share their story or opinion. It really helps to bring out the passion from within and allows us to relate with the person.
ALTHOUGH, sometimes I do enjoy having audio without visuals so that I can play it in the background while I’m doing something else and not be too worried about missing something visual. The only danger I have with this is that my short attention span allows me to forget that I should be focusing on listening.
Hey, Kyle!
I think the poll goes to show that audio by itself is kind of a boring medium to acquire the news. Maybe that’s why we find listening to the radio so dull. I for one am a huge fan of being able to see the speaker’s facial expressions as they share their story or opinion. It really helps to bring out the passion from within and allows us to relate with the person.
ALTHOUGH, sometimes I do enjoy having audio without visuals so that I can play it in the background while I’m doing something else and not be too worried about missing something visual. The only danger I have with this is that my short attention span allows me to forget that I should be focusing on listening.
Hey, Kyle!
I think the poll goes to show that audio by itself is kind of a boring medium to acquire the news. Maybe that’s why we find listening to the radio so dull. I for one am a huge fan of being able to see the speaker’s facial expressions as they share their story or opinion. It really helps to bring out the passion from within and allows us to relate with the person.
ALTHOUGH, sometimes I do enjoy having audio without visuals so that I can play it in the background while I’m doing something else and not be too worried about missing something visual. The only danger I have with this is that my short attention span allows me to forget that I should be focusing on listening.