
AWG Online Resources

The Arctic Winter Games are just about here and although they are down in Grande Prairie you can still keep up to date about what is going on. Here is how:

CBC North has launched page on there website dedicated to bringing up to date information on what is happening throughout the games. There are several different section to the website including a place to share photos, connect with athletes, read blogs, see the history of the games and a live twitter feed of the hashtag #awg2010. You can find this site here:

The Official 2010 Arctic Winter Games website is full of information. Most prominently is the countdown that is going on, on the homepage. Along with that there is information for athletes, volunteers, and spectators. There are also photos sections, a cultural section, store, and sponsor information. This site also provides the latest news of what is happening in preparation for the games and presumably during the games. You can find all that and more at

CJCD has also been promoting that they will be bring up to date results from the games at the top of every hour during the games. One of their News Announcers will be traveling down to Grande Prairie for the games. 100.1FM in Yellowknife and Hay River.

The Official Arctic Winter Games Blog can be found at It goes along with the official site and has a large amount of information about the preparation for the games, although I don’t know if it will be updated during the games.

Here is a live feed of the Official hashtag of the games #AWG2010.


I may also write a couple posts about how the games are going, although I’m not going to duplicate what you can find else where. If you come across any blogs or photo streams of the games please post them in the comment section for others to enjoy. is wishing all of our Yellowknife and NWT athletes the best of luck at the 2010 Arctic Winter Games.


About the author

Kyle Thomas

Kyle grew up in Yellowknife and is a local entrepreneur, writer, baker, and Yellowknife Advocate who is addicted to learning as much as he can about the community and sharing it with anyone who'll listen. In 2009 he developed A website all about living, working and thriving in Yellowknife for residents, newcomers, and visitors.

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