Rain in Yellowknife is a rarity some summers – not the summer of 2018 though. Sometimes we never see it but when we do it can put a real damper our plans, especially if it rains on a long weekend.
This got me thinking when it does rain on a weekend and ruins our big events, camping trips and patio time, what is there for Yellowknifers to do other than sit inside. Using some suggestions from Facebook and Twitter I came up with these 5 simple ideas. If you have more ideas for Yellowknifers to do when it rains, please add them in the comments below.
1. Visit a local coffee shop
Yellowknife has a few bustling coffee shops throughout the city that make perfect hang-outs during damp days. Javaroma on Franklin Ave is a long established coffee shop with free WiFi and open Saturday (closed on Sundays). Birchwood Coffee K’e is only a few years old, but makes a dent in the scene with its indigenous influenced food open Monday-Friday. Gourmet Cup is also open 6 days a week in the lower level of the YK Centre Mall, which also offers several shops to browse. Of course, Tim Hortons gets on this list as it is one of the highest traffic places in Yellowknife and you are always bound to run into someone you know.
2. Visit the Museum and Visitor Centre
The Prince of Wale Northern Heritage Centre has much to offer, even if you are already a local. The facility, which is located just off the highway as you head down 48th Street, has several different exhibits that talk about the area, industry, and culture.
- Open Daily: Approximately 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM (Closed Holidays)
3. Visit the City of Yellowknife Library
With the Internet right at our fingertips going to the library might seem like an outdated idea but it is really not. Along with the endless amount of books the library has, the library offers a quiet place for people to come and relax. There are several desk areas and free WiFi. Another great place for kids as well.
Hours of Operation (Can vary slightly)
- Monday-Thursday: 9:30am-8:30pm
- Friday: 10:00am-6:00pm
- Saturday:10:00am-5:00pm
- Sunday: 1:00-5:00pm
4. Tour the Legislative Assembly Building
The Northwest Territories Legislation Assembly Building is very unique but often hidden away off the highway on the way out of Yellowknife. The Leg offers free guided tours all year round at select times and self-guided audio tours during regular hours. You can find those times on their website here.
5. Use a City of Yellowknife Facility
The City of Yellowknife rents out the sports facilities all the time. So if it is raining, grab a bunch of friends together and split the cost. Rentals are offered for the Ruth Inch Swimming Pool, both Multiplex arenas and the Field House soccer pitches.
For more information on how to rent one of the City’s Facilities go to their website.
There are many more activities you could do on a rainy day in Yellowknife, like going to the pool hall or catching a movie at the Capitol Theatre. By commenting below let us know about other options.
Turning on the oven to bake some cookies after a long hot summer!
I bake or make soup stock when it rains out.
I bake or make soup stock when it rains out.
Go fishing. Lake trout fishing is best in the rain.
Go fishing. Lake trout fishing is best in the rain.